Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week 9- Web 2.0

So, as one of the nefarious Millenials, Web 2.0 really hits home. I like the idea of having the web as a platform rather than a means of corporations, etc... spouting info to the masses. I don't think that Web 2.0 is simply a buzzword, and though a lot of previous generations seem to think that my age group are a bunch of greedy, self-involved technofiles, I really do think the concepts behind the whole idea are really important to everyone.

Especially in this business. I am not oblivious to the fact that I am one of the younger members of my profession. However, that does not mean that I like to gloat and tell my colleagues "well, I can certainly do that better than you." There are a lot of things on the web (and elsewhere, trust me I am painfully aware) that I have little to no knowledge about. With that said, I think its is important for myself and my colleagues to be able to answer questions for those patrons who need help. This is a public service job, and as information technology deepens in meaning and scope, then so does the knowledge of its workers need to expand. So, though I find some things old news, and others complete mind boggling, if I don't have the ability to help a patron, I'm not doing a very good job in my job. And, as a Millenial, that's just not acceptable.